Our Work - Case Studies

Our Work - Case Studies

Simplifying MOA for Non-Scientific Sales Teams

A pharmaceutical company in the U.S. needed to explain the mechanism of action (MOA) of their drug in a way that was easy enough for their sales team—who lacked a scientific background—to understand and confidently discuss with healthcare professionals (HCPs). After being dissatisfied with two previous agencies’ attempts at creating an infographic, they approached our team for a more effective solution.


– Developed a visually compelling infographic that simplified the MOA for easy comprehension.

– Used clear analogies and visual storytelling to enhance retention for the sales team.

– Ensured that the design aligned with scientific accuracy while being accessible to non-experts


🖥️ Deliverable: Infographic – A concise, visually driven explanation of the drug’s MOA tailored for non-scientific sales teams.